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Art auction result for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels

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Auctioned pieces | 44 results are found | Page 2 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-10-2008 Paysage Fluvial Animé 6.61 x 8.90 in Ink 600 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-17-2005 Paysage Montagneux Avec Un Lac, Un Village Dans Le Fond 9.84 x 15.87 in Chalk 1,500 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-19-2004 Paysage. 8.66 x 6.50 in Drawing 500 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-19-2015 Route Along The Rocks 5.00 x 6.06 in Etching 70 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 12-19-2007 Satyre Dans Un Paysage Architecturé 7.01 x 9.45 in Painting 400 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 06-15-2007 Sterile Land 5.08 x 6.46 in Etching 120 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-29-2011 The TowinG-Boat 8.15 x 10.71 in Etching 150 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-28-2013 The TowinG-Boat. 8.15 x 10.71 in Etching 80 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-13-2009 The Waterfall 8.27 x 10.83 in Etching 125 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-27-2014 Vier Arkadische Landschaften 4.53 x 6.50 in Electronic LED 300 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 12-08-2005 View Of A Fortified Italianate Village In A Hilly Landscape 7.28 x 11.77 in Pen 800 GBP
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-16-2005 Vue En Perspective De La Pièce D'eau D'un Parc 23.82 x 17.91 in Wash 1,500 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-29-2011 Woman Carrying A Jug./ Mausoleum With Six Columns 6.30 x 9.06 in Etching 80 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-28-2015 Zwei Arkadische Landschaften: Die Galerie Mit Dem Großen Bassin; Der Große Baum Mit Dem Doppelten Stamm 12.56 x 19.17 in Etching 400 EUR
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