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Art auction result for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels

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Auctioned pieces | 44 results are found | Page 1 of 2 (max. 30 results pr. page) | No. of signatures: 0

  Date Title Size (HxWxD) Medium High Estimate
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-16-2013 A Pair Of Italian Landscapes With Ruins 37.80 x 25.00 in Oil 8,000 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 06-04-2008 A River Valley 4.33 x 6.50 in Chalk 300 GBP
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-25-2007 A Wooded Landscape With Figures On A Path 8.11 x 12.52 in Chalk 2,000 GBP
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 09-26-2014 Boot, Von Vier Personen Gezogen 8.46 x 10.91 in Etching 0 ABC
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-22-2004 Brunnen In Südlicher Landschaft Mit Am Brunnenrand Sitzenden Mann 4.21 x 5.12 in Feather 700 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Das Flussaufwärts Gezogene Boot 8.27 x 11.02 in Engraving 200 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-26-2006 Das Flussaufwärts Gezogene Boot 8.27 x 11.02 in Engraving 100 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Das Unfruchtbare Land 5.12 x 6.50 in Etching 5 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Der Fluss Am Fuße Der Bergkette 8.27 x 10.83 in Engraving 200 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-26-2006 Der Fluss Am Fuße Der Bergkette 8.27 x 10.83 in Engraving 100 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-26-2006 Der Triumphbogen Beim Tempel 4.53 x 6.50 in Etching 50 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Der Triumphbogen Beim Tempel 4.53 x 6.50 in Etching 100 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Der Viereckige Stein 4.53 x 6.50 in Etching 100 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-26-2006 Der Viereckige Stein 4.53 x 6.50 in Etching 50 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-26-2006 Die Frau Die Einen Krug Trägt 6.50 x 9.06 in Etching 80 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-02-2005 Die Frau Die Einen Krug Trägt 6.50 x 9.06 in Etching 150 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 09-26-2014 Die Quelle Am Felsigen Hang 8.35 x 11.89 in Etching 0 ABC
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-28-2006 Die Treidler Mit Dem Flußkahn. 8.50 x 10.79 in Etching 120 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-23-2007 Große Gartenansicht Mit Brunnen 16.54 x 27.17 in Etching 300 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 07-05-2013 Italianate Landscape With Figures By Ruins 8.58 x 13.39 in Pen 1,500 GBP
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-29-2007 Kristus Och Den Samaristiska Kvinnan Vid Brunnen 27.56 x 31.89 in Oil 20,000 SEK
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-05-2013 L'allée 81.89 x 59.06 in Etching 200 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 11-25-2011 Landscape With Rocks 8.46 x 11.10 in Etching 90 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 04-05-2013 Le Bassin 83.46 x 59.06 in Etching 200 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 06-02-2015 Le Gros Arbre À Double Tronc ; L'allée 19.29 x 13.07 in Etching 150 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 05-19-2004 Panoramic Italianate Landscape With A Figure Resting In The Foreground 11.02 x 0 in Pen 1,400 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 01-13-2005 Parklandschaft 6.30 x 8.27 in Etching 5 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-22-2007 Paysage Aux Ruines Antiques 10.24 x 7.28 in Ink 1,000 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 03-23-2012 Paysage Avec Une Femme Portant Une Cruche 4.72 x 7.28 in Pen 500 EUR
Hammer prices for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels Hammer prices and photo for Abraham (the Younger) Genoels 10-04-2013 Paysage Classique À La Fontaine 4.33 x 6.30 in Ink 600 EUR
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